SEA - Supplier Excellence Alliance

SEA Sponsorships

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Each quarter, 200-300 supply chain leaders meet in cities that span the U.S. market to share best practices and discuss critical issues affecting customers and their suppliers. There are a variety of sponsorships and co-sponsorships available for each conference.

Benefits Supplier CEO Conference Co-Sponsor
Role   Co-Sponsor
Number of Sponsors   No Limit
Non-Compete with Title
Website Website Link Co-sponsor on event webpage
Conference Materials Invitation Program Co-sponsor on all event materials
Event Hospitality Suite Meeting Site Optional
Newsletter Logo & Link Appears in event issues
Exhibition Table - Space for banner and Display Once per year
Promotional Materials Provide Banner Banner at sponsored event - Promotion items are
event signs, bags, pads, and pens (sponsor-paid)
Event Seats Included Registrations 2

Note: The event co-host will be SEA member prime or tier one company